
An inventory of the geoheritage features of the Anti-Atlas region has been performed to promote geoheritage and geoconservation in Morocco. This latter is best achieved after assigning heritage values to these features and identifying geosites, specific areas of special value or interest (Geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest, or SSSI) that usually are of International significance, or by viewing sites as integrated geological ensembles with significant geology that needs to be protected as an ensemble (Geoparks). Sites that could function as geosites, SSSI and/or as geoparks have a special significance for research, education and geotourism. The Anti-Atlas geology reflects its tectono-metamorphic and magmatic evolution from the Proterozoic to Mesozoic with plate collision, subduction and obduction witnesses, Mesozoic stratigraphic sequences, fossil-bearing strata, and arid zone landforms. Sites that could function as SSSI include pre-Pan-African doleritic dykes, the Bou Azzer and Siroua Ophiolites, the Pan-African diamictites, the Major Anti-Atlas Fault, the Late Neoproterozoic stromatolites, the unconformity between the late Neoproterozoic Ouarzazate volcanic Supergroup and Cambrian Tata Group, the contact between Taghdout Group and the Zenaga Eburnian (Palaeoproterozoic) formations, the contacts between three Pan-African Groups, viz., Saghro Group—Mgouna Group—Ouarzazate Group, the Ediacaran Iknioun granodiorite and the Devonian Kess Kess carbonate mounds. Sites that could function as geoparks include: the Zenaga inliers, the Neoproterozoic passive margin (Taghdout Group), and the Jurassic Foum-Zguid dyke traversing various formations. The Anti-Atlas region also hosts numerous internationally important fossil localities that could function as SSSI, e.g., the large Cambrian trilobite (Paradoxides), Ordovician trilobites (Asaphus) as death assemblages, Silurian and lower-most Devonian Orthoceras-rich black limestones, Frasnian plants from the Drâa Valley and ammonite-rich limestones. The geological areas that host these SSSI could function as geoparks.

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