
GeoScape is a landscape design, consisting of colored gravel, strategically placed flagstone and boulders, and two vertical features that simulates the geology of some fictitious region (a combination of geologic features in Utah, Arizona and Nevada). The design incorporates many topographic and geologic concepts that introductory geology students are expected to understand. GeoScape is an educational tool employing “hands-on”, inquiry-based, and cooperative learning techniques to help students develop problem solving and critical thinking skills by applying their geologic knowledge to a simulated field situation. Students are charged with the task of producing topographic and geologic maps and a report on the geologic evolution of the area to help solve problems in resource exploration and geologic hazards. GeoScape illustrates three-dimensional geologic structures on a smaller scale to help students visualize concepts such as bedding tilt, plunging folds, unconformities, and stratigraphic principles. GeoScape can also be used to provide at least a simulated geologic field experience to disabled students or students taking evening classes who otherwise would be unable to participate in a traditional field exercise. GeoScape is relatively easy to build and could be constructed in a variety of areas where geologic exposures are scarce or field excursion resources are limited.

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