
Due to the capabilities of non-destructive testing of inaccessible objects, GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) is used in geology, archeology, forensics and increasingly also in engineering tasks. The wide range of applications of the GPR method has been provided by the use of advanced technological solutions by equipment manufacturers, including multi-channel units. The acquisition of data along several profiles simultaneously allows time to be saved and quasi-continuous information to be collected about the subsurface situation. One of the most important aspects of data acquisition systems, including GPR, is the appropriate methodology and accuracy of the geoposition. This publication aims to discuss the results of GPR measurements carried out using the multi-channel Leica Stream C GPR (IDS GeoRadar Srl, Pisa, Italy). The significant results of the test measurement were presented the idea of which was to determine the achievable accuracy depending on the georeferencing method using a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver, also supported by time synchronization PPS (Pulse Per Second) and a total station. Methodology optimization was also an important aspect of the discussed issue, i.e., the effect of dynamic changes in motion trajectory on the positioning accuracy of echograms and their vectorization products was also examined. The standard algorithms developed for the dedicated software were used for post-processing of the coordinates and filtration of echograms, while the vectorization was done manually. The obtained results provided the basis for the confrontation of the material collected in urban conditions with the available cartographic data in terms of the possibility of verifying the actual location of underground utilities. The urban character of the area limited the possibility of the movement of Leica Stream C due to the large size of the instrument, however, it created the opportunity for additional analyses, including the accuracy of different location variants around high-rise buildings or the agreement of the amplitude distribution at the intersection of perpendicular profiles.


  • High level and easy access to advanced technological solutions enable the quick reaction of a provider to current problems and consumer market demand

  • Despite the ambiguous results observed on location during the pass trials of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)–GPS PPS set over the set up base, processing of the echograms in the GRED HD software showed clear reflections coming from the metal tape for each of the six scanned sections

  • The main aim of this paper was to assess the accuracy of positioning of the multi-channel GPR Leica Stream C using three different georeferencing methods during measurement on a test field, where the basis to compare the GPR result was a drainage grill whose coordinates had been obtained using a surveying method

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High level and easy access to advanced technological solutions enable the quick reaction of a provider to current problems and consumer market demand. Thanks to the introduction of successive improvements and through direct cooperation with positioning tools, GPR has become an instrument capable of quick delivery of data on the distribution and character of changes as well as their spatial location in national and global coordinate systems. The latter issue is especially interesting in terms of Remote Sens. AAnn eelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc wwaavvee,, eemmiitttteedd iinnttoo tthhee ssttuuddiieedd mmeeddiiuumm,, rreefflleeccttss oonn tthhee bboouunnddaarryy ooff ttwwoo ssuurrffaacceess wwiitthh ddiiffffeerreenntt eelleeccttrriiccaall pprrooppeerrttiieess aanndd tthheenn rreeaacchheess tthhee rreecceeiivviinngg aanntteennnnaa [[88]]. HHoowweevveerr,, tthhee ssiiggnnaall ggeenneerraatteedd bbyy tthhee ttrraannssmmiittttiinngg aanntteennnnaa,, ddeessppiittee tthhee aanntteennnnaa’’ss ddiirreeccttiivviittyy,, ttrraavveellss iinn ddiiffffeerreenntt ddiirreeccttiioonnss,, wwhhiicchh ccaauusseess,, ee..gg..,,hhuuggeeeenneerrggyylloosssseess

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