
The Tata region is located in the South Western Anti-Atlas. It consists of Paleoproterozoic to Quaternary age fields. These fields, affected by several geodynamic events, have been exposed to long periods of erosion, adding to climate hostility to make the geology and geomorphology of the Anti-Atlas easier to read and more fascinating to contemplate, compared to other geological domains of Morocco. The superimposition of the different orogeneses is materialized by several geological markers that are clearly observable in several outcrops. The region offers several geomorphological sites, of mainly scientific and landscape interest, which gives them pedagogical and tourist qualities for both professional scientists and the general public. In this work, we have highlighted several previously unknown geomorphosites of the Tata region. These are inventoried, mapped, and described from the point of view of their morphogenetic formation. These are Onion peels from Addana, Foum Zguid, badlands of Akka, hearts of Tata, karsts of Imitek, Issafen’s iron flats, and Tadakoust pyramids. These are real masterpieces whose main sculptor is erosion. This potential geomorphological heritage deserves to be valued and protected from degradation and disappearance for several scientific, cultural, educational, and socioeconomic objectives through the development of local eco-geotourism and real regional sustainable development.

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