
Accurate subpixel registration of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is an issue that is again growing interest since its initial developments related to two-pass interferometry. Recent progress in coherent (multichannel) SAR processing raises the need for accurate registration of data takes acquired with large baseline spans, high temporal coverage, and with different frequency and/or operational modes. In this paper, we discuss a SAR image-registration procedure, based on the use of external measures which allows obtaining a very accurate alignment of SAR images. The presented technique makes use of a digital elevation model and of the precise information about the acquisition flight tracks, to compute the warping functions that map the position of each pixel in the different takes, thus avoiding any approximation. The resulting algorithm is simple, robust, precise, and very efficient; as a matter of fact, it may achieve high accuracy even in critical areas, such as steep topography regions. Moreover, the availability of an analytical and exact model allows performing a detailed sensitivity analysis that can be useful in evaluating the applicability of this technique even to future high-precision satellite systems. Extensive testing, carried out on several real European Remote Sensing and ENVISAT datasets, clearly shows the effectiveness of such algorithm in registering critical SAR images

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