
Graphene has remarkable strength, such as yield strength and elasticconstant. The dynamic behaviour of graphene sheet is affected bygeometrical variation in atomic arrangement. This paper introducedgraphene with armchair atomic structure for estimating fundamental naturalfrequencies. The presented analysis can be useful for the possible highfrequency nanomechanical resonator systems. The analytical formulation,based on classical plate theory and continuum solid modelling based finiteelement method have been performed for estimation of fundamental naturalfrequencies of single layer graphene sheet (SGLS) with different boundaryconditions. The free edge and clamped edge boundary conditions have beenconsidered. For simplifying analytical formulations, Blevins approach fordynamic solution has been adopted and for validating analytical results.The finite element analysis of SLGS has been performed using ANSYSsoftware. The effect of variation in geometrical parameters in terms ofwidth and length of SLGS has been analysed for realization of ultra-highfrequency based nanomechanical resonator systems

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