
Problem statement. The article provides a brief overview of the geometric prerequisites for the selection of architectural and planning solutions of the Crimean Tatar housing in the XVIII − XIX centuries. in the mountainous, foothill and steppe regions of the Crimea. Identified some of the geometric features of architectural and planning decisions of the organization of the Crimean Tatar housing. Over a number of epochs, the complex evolution of ethno-cultural traditions, which are based on ancient layers of the history of culture, is reflected in the architecture of the Crimean Tatars. Not the last place in such a hierarchy is occupied by questions of geometric order, in a certain way characterizes the morphology of architecture of the Crimean Tatars. The development of architecture in modern society is a rather complicated process. On the one hand, there is an obvious tendency towards universal globalization, which threatens to level national cultures. On the other hand, there is a growing tendency in the world to preserve and enhance national cultural values, to strengthen the self-awareness of each nation, to ensure the flourishing of its culture, to revive the origins of folk art and architecture. Under these conditions, it is necessary to recall the relevance of the process of reviving the Crimean-Tatar architecture. One of the constituent features of the composite organization of the Crimean Tatar housing of the XVIII − XIX centuries. in the mountainous, foothill and steppe regions of the Crimea, there is a system for applying geometric bases both in the planning organization of housing and in other aspects: orientation to the cardinal points, insolation, lighting, and the like. The purpose of the article is the establishment of geometric prerequisites for architectural planning decisions of the Crimean Tatar dwelling, and their importance for the formation of architecture in the Crimea in the 20th century . in the context of the reconstruction of the prerequisites, patterns and peculiarities of the development of the Crimean Tatar architecture. Conclusions. The study of the geometric premises of the architectural and planning organization of the Crimean Tatar housing allowed to determine that geometric prerequisites and geometric means of design and construction are important for the architectural planning organization of the Crimean Tatar housing. Geometric prerequisites include: important positions of rational use of geometric features of the relief, principles of rational geometry, which are based on natural, ethnic and extreme influences. Geometry is used: to determine spatial forms; to create forms that are considered harmonious, and accordingly for the planning of buildings and their environment in accordance with mathematical, aesthetic and sometimes religious principles; to decorate buildings with mathematical objects, such as tessellation; and to address environmental issues, such as minimizing the swirling winds at the bottom of the skyscrapers. It is proved that the formation and development of the Crimean Tatar architecture is inextricably linked with the evolution of its architectural and planning characteristics, which are directly related to the geometry. The study allowed to establish some geometric features of architectural and planning decisions of the organization of the Crimean Tatar housing in the XVIII − XIX centuries. in the mountainous, foothill and steppe regions of the Crimea.


  • The article provides a brief overview of the geometric prerequisites for the selection

  • which are based on ancient layers of the history

  • the last place in such a hierarchy is occupied by questions of geometric order

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Одна зі складових ознак композиційної організації кримськотатарського житла XVIII−XIX ст. В гірських, передгірних і степових районах Криму – це система застосування геометричних засад як у планувальній організації житла, так і в інших аспектах: орієнтації по сторонах світу, інсоляції, освітленню тощо. Гаспринського, джерел із фондів музеїв міст Сімферополь, Бахчисарай та приватних колекцій, публікацій у вітчизняних і зарубіжних виданнях. На жаль, питання, пов'язані з геометричними передумовами архітектурнопланувальної організації кримськотатарського житла в Криму, залишилися практично не дослідженими. Мета дослідження − встановлення геометричних передумов архітектурнопланувальних рішень кримськотатарського житла та їх значення для формування архітектури у Криму в XX ст.

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