
Summary Magnetic field time variations were observed in September 1967, with a two-dimensional array of 42 three-component variometers between latitudes 36 and 43 N and longitudes 101 W and 116 W. Fourier analysis of a polar substorm and of a storm shows that the former has a smooth spectrum and the latter a complex spectrum with many maxima. Upper mantle conductivity structure can be seen qualitatively in the original variograms, but is far more sharply defined in maps of Fourier spectral component amplitudes and phases. A ridge of high conductivity runs at a depth no greater than 200 km under the Southern Rocky Mountains between the Great Plains and the Colorado Plateau, which marks a low-conductivity region within the Cordillera. A strong conductivity anomaly runs north-south along the Wasatch Front through central Utah, and indicates the presence of an upwelling of highly conductive material at depth no greater than 120 km along the edge of a step structure which brings the conductive mantle to shallower depth under the Basin and Range Province than under the Colorado Plateau. Long-period maps from the storm suggest a rise in the conductive mantle between the northsouth structures, from the Colorado Plateau southward to the Basin and Range. The daily variation shows the conductivity structures and indicates their great extent in depth. The geomagnetic deep sounding anomalies are found to be in excellent agreement with existing heat flow data, and this supports correlation of electrical conductivity with temperature. There is also good correlation with the available seismic velocity information for the upper mantle. 1. Introdaction Geophysical observations of several kinds indicate that the upper mantle of the Earth under North America is laterally inhomogeneous. Upper mantle seismic velocities of 8.0 km s-' or larger are characteristic of the eastern United States and the Great Plains Province, while velocities decrease to values of 7.9 km s-' or lower west of the Rocky Mountains (Herrin & Taggart 1962). A similar pattern is shown by travel-time anomalies of seismic waves at vertical incidence. P and S waves arrive early at stations in the eastern United States; late arrivals are predominant in the western United States (Cleary & Hales 1966; Doyle & Hales 1967; Hemn & Taggart 1968). As the differences between the P travel-time residuals and the gravity anomalies in the central and western U.S. cannot be explained by the Birch (1961) relation between velocity and density, Hales & Doyle (1967) suggested that tempera

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