
This paper presents a geological study in the Călimăneşti-Căciulata area regarding mineral and geothermal waters. The detailed geological map at a scale of 1: 50000, made on the basis of detailed geological maps, is the starting material in this study. The types of water sources targeted are mineral springs, boreholes and surface water in the area. The database includes both geological and tectonic elements, as well as measurements of deuterium (δD (‰)) and overall salt content (∆d (mg/l)) expressed as the difference in density between a distilled water taken as a standard and water sample. In the case of surface water, due to the evaporation produced during the summer months which results in an enrichment in both deuterium and salts, there is a positive correlation between the values δD and Δd. If there are relationships with groundwater, correlation coefficients are low or even negative. For different water sources in the Călimănești-Căciulata area (average values), there is a good correlation between the deuterium concentration values and the global salt content. Regarding the seasonal variations, the general behavior of the groundwater in the Călimănești-Căciulata area is typical for the waters from the meteoric circuit, both according to the average values of the deuterium concentrations and according to their variations in time. The possibility of defining mixing lines of groundwater sources in this area is a criterion for integration into a single hydrodynamic system, which was formed by mixing, in different proportions, water infiltrated at high altitudes (mountain area) and water. of local infiltration, in accordance with tectonic lines and geological formations.

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