
For understanding of complex geological and geophysical phenomena, regarding the mineral and geothermal waters, we must base on the whole of knowledge and available data for the study area. The input data include: digital terrain models, geological and geophysical maps, sections, drill-holes and geological interpretation, for assemble together into the same space data from various sources, in order to ensure geometrical coherence. Also, the database includes measurements of deuterium (δD (‰)) and overall salt content (∆d (mg/l)) expressed as the difference in density between a distilled water taken as a standard and water sample. Are important to take into account the geology 'boundary' data (geology contacts, interfaces and limits), the deep geology and processing/filtering of geophysical data with properly algorithms. The type of filtering of gravimetric and magnetic data must be chosen based on the depth of the model we want to get. This is necessary because the values of the geophysical parameters recorded at the surface of the terrain contain weighted average information from both the surface and from different depths, even to the base of the Lithosphere. In this paper we made some geological and geophysical considerations regarding the mineral and geothermal waters from the Ramnicu Valcea - Govora area. The types of water sources targeted are mineral springs, boreholes and surface water in the area

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