
Geoconservation in Spain dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century. During the first decades, the protection of biotic and geological heritage developed together, and geologists played an important role, but the conservation of geological values was overlooked during the second half of the twentieth century. As a general rule, the protection of geological heritage was limited to scenic elements of a great value in the landscape but did not pay attention to their scientific interest and representativeness or to geological exclusiveness criteria. On the other hand, the beginnings of the study of geological heritage in Spain date back to the 1970s. Although the methodological bases were defined at that time, the work done on research, promotion, and conservation of the geological heritage has been mainly developed in the last 15 years. The increasing presence of geological heritage in the Spanish scientific and social fields has been completed with Law 42/2007 on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, which mentions the conservation of geodiversity and geological heritage as one of its sources of inspiration. This Law replaces the Law 4/1989 on the Conservation of Wild Flora and Fauna that was the main legal framework for nature conservation in Spain during three decades. The purpose of this paper is to analyze—from a historical perspective—the evolution of the study and protection of the geological heritage in Spain since the beginning of the twentieth century, both referring to the legal framework and the studies required. Finally, an estimate is presented of challenges to be faced by geoconservation in Spain in the next decades.

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