
A Geologic Time Scale (GTS2004) is presented that integrates currently available stratigraphic and geochronologic information. The construction of Geologic Time Scale 2004 (GTS2004) incorporated different techniques depending on the data available within each interval. Construction involved a large number of specialists, including contributions by past and present subcommissions officers of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), geochemists working with radiogenic and stable isotopes, stratigraphers using diverse tools from traditional fossils to astronomical cycles to database programming, and geomathematicians. Anticipated advances during the next four years include formalization of all Phanerozoic stage boundaries, orbital tuning extended into the Cretaceous, standardization of radiometric dating methods and resolving poorly dated intervals, detailed integrated stratigraphy for all periods, and on-line stratigraphic databases and tools. The geochronological science community and the International Commission on Stratigraphy are focusing on these issues. The next version of the Geologic Time Scale is planned for 2008, concurrent with the planned completion of boundary-stratotype (GSSP) definitions for all international stages.

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