
Komarovsky market is the largest covered market in Belarus and Europe. It started working in 1980. Until 2000, the operation of the market building was carried out without taking into account the uniqueness and increased requirements for objects of such type. The technical conditions and operating rules for the precast-monolithic reinforced concrete pavement shell with dimensions of 103´103 m have not been met. This led to the fact that individual elements were in a pre-emergency state. Scientists and specialists of the Belarussian State Polytechnical Academy carried out work on the examination of the technical condition and operational suitability of the Komarovsky market building. It is recommended to carry out geodetic control of coating shell deflections, deformations of side elements and supports at least once a quarter. To do this, a geodetic planned and high-altitude justification was created along the perimeter of the market building and on its mezzanines, from which deformations of the coating shell and side elements were measured. Therefore, the height position of the mezzanines was checked by the class-IV leveling. For mathematical processing of the results of high-precision geodetic observations in the Visual Basic language of the Excel editor, a complex “Geodetic Programs” was compiled, which is located on the Belarusian National Technical University website and in the local network of the University. For 21 years, the software package has been used by the authors not only to solver scientific and production problems, but also in the educational process. It is advisable to introduce programs in other educational institutions and industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus to solve the problems of engineering geodesy. The settlement measurements of the pile foundations of the market building were carried out by the class-II geometric leveling using КоNi 007 instrument. The coating shell deflections were determined by trigonometric leveling with a 2Т2 theodolite and a Leica TCR 1201 electronic tacheometer according special technique. An accuracy of the order of 1–2 mm was ensured by short sighting beams. The displacements of the onboard elements were measured with a theodolite and electronic tacheometer using the polar method and circular technique. During the geodetic control, the measured values of deflections of the coating shell, deformations of the side elements and pile supports did not exceed the established tolerances, which indicates the stability of all load-bearing structures of the Komarovsky market building.

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