Abstract— Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94281, a lunar meteorite recently discovered in Antarctica, is a glassy‐matrix, clast‐rich regolith breccia containing a mixture of mafic, volcanic‐glass and gabbroic constituents and a diverse set of highland constituents. In thin section, the clast assemblage is dominated by coarse mineral debris from a shallow intrusive or hypabyssal setting, or from deep within a thick mare flow. Abundant coarse‐grained pyroxene clasts have fine‐scale exsolution lamellae and compositions similar to pyroxenes of known lunar very‐low‐Ti (VLT) basalts and other lunar meteorites of basaltic composition. Pyroxene compositions follow Fe‐enrichment extending to hedenbergite, which is associated with fayalite and cristobalite, indicating slow cooling. We refer to the protolith of the crystalline VLT component as VLT gabbro. Fragments of pyroclastic glasses that have high Fe and low Ti concentrations, similar to the pyroclastic green glasses known from Apollo samples, are common. Lithic clasts include abundant subrounded, glassy to cryptocrystalline, aluminous (∼17–30 wt% Al2O3) KREEP‐poor melt breccias of highland origin and a variety of other feldspathic impactites. On the basis of composition of our subsamples, QUE 94281 consists of ∼54 wt% mafic or “mare” components and 46 wt% feldspathic or “highland” components.The bulk composition of QUE 94281 is similar to that of Yamato (Y) 793274, but QUE 94281 has slightly greater concentrations of some siderophile elements and slightly lower concentrations of those elements contributed mainly by mafic constituents. Differences in siderophile element concentrations are consistent with longer surface exposure of QUE 94281. Minor differences in trace element variations of subsamples of the two meteorites suggest subtle differences in the composition of their highland constituents. Nonetheless, the overall similarity of compositions supports the possibility that they were ejected from the same source region on the Moon.The crystalline VLT component of QUE 94281 differs from those known from Apollo 17 and Luna 24 VLT lithologies and from that of basaltic breccia Elephant Moraine (EET) 87521. The VLT‐gabbro component and the ferroan VLT volcanic glasses in QUE 94281 have compositions that may be petrogenetically related by derivation from a common picritic parent composition, represented by an ultramafic glass found in QUE 94281.
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