
Petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic data for turbidites from a variety of tectonic settings exhibit considerable variability that is related to tectonic association. Passive margin turbidites (Trailing Edge, Continental Collision) display high framework quartz (Q) content in sands, evolved major element compositions (high Si Al , K Na ), incompatible element enrichments (high Th Sc , La Sc , La Yb ), negative Eu-anomalies and variable Th U ratios. They have low 143Nd 144Nd and high 87Sr 86Sr ( ϵ Nd = −26 to −10; 87Sr 86Sr = 0.709 to 0.734 ), indicating a dominance of old upper crustal sources. Active margin settings (Fore Arc, Continental Arc, Back Arc, Strike Slip) commonly exhibit quite different compositions. Th Sc varies from <0.01 to 1.8, and ϵ Nd varies from −13.8 to +8.3. Eu-anomalies range from no anomaly ( Eu Eu ∗ = 1.0 ) to Eu-depletions typical of post-Archean shales ( Eu Eu ∗ = 0.65 ). Active margin data are explained by mixtures of young arc-derived material, with variable composition and old upper crustal sources. Major element data indicate that passive margin turbidites have experienced more severe weathering histories than those from active settings. Most trace elements are enriched in muds relative to associated sands because of dilution effects from quartz and calcite and concentration of trace elements in clays. Exceptions include Zr, Hf (heavy mineral influence) and Tl (enriched in feldspar) which display enrichments in sands. Active margin sands commonly exhibit higher Eu Eu ∗ than associated muds, resulting from concentration of plagioclase during sorting. Some associated sands and muds, especially from active settings, have systematic differences in Th Sc ratios and Nd-isotopic composition, indicating that various provenance components may separate into different grain-size fractions during sedimentary sorting processes. Trace element abundances of modern turbidites, from both active and passive settings, differ from Archean turbidites in several important ways. Modern turbidites have less uniformity, for example, in Th Sc ratios. On average, modern turbidites have greater depletions in Eu (lower Eu Eu ∗ ) than do Archean turbidites, suggesting that the processes of intracrustal differentiation (involving plagioclase fractionation) are of greater importance for crustal evolution at modern continental margins than they were during the Archean. Modern turbidites do not display HREE depletion, a feature commonly seen in Archean data. HREE depletion ( Gd N Yb N > 2.0 ) in Archean sediments results from incorporation of felsic igneous rocks that were in equilibrium (or their sources were in equilibrium) with garnet sometime in their history. Absence of HREE depletion at modern continental margins suggests that processes of crust formation (or mantle source compositions) may have differed. Differences in trace element abundances for Archean and modern turbidites add support to suggestions that upper continental crust compositions and major processes responsible for continental crust differentiation differed during the Archean. Neodymium model ages, thought to approximate average provenance age, are highly variable ( T DM ND = 0–2.6 Ga) in modern turbidites, in contrast with studies that indicate Nd-model ages of lithified Phanerozoic sediment are fairly constant at about 1.5–2.0 Ga. This variability indicates that continental margin sediments incorporate new mantle-derived components, as well as continental crust of widely varying age, during recycling. The apparent dearth of ancient sediments with Nd-model age similar to stratigraphic age supports the suggestion that preservation potential of sediments is related to tectonic setting. Many samples from active settings have isotopic compositions similar to or only slightly evolved from mantle-derived igneous rocks. Subduction of active margin turbidites should be considered in models of crust-mantle recycling. For short-term recycling, such as that postulated for island arc petrogenesis, arc-derived turbidites cannot be easily recognized as a source component because of the lack of time available for isotopic evolution. If turbidites were incorporated into the sources of ocean island volcanics, the isotopic signatures would be considerably more evolved since most models call for long mantle storage times (1.0–2.0 Ga), prior to incorporation. Four provenance components are recognized on the basis of geochemistry and Nd-isotopic composition: 1. (1) Old Upper Continental Crust (old igneous/metamorphic terranes, recycled sediment); 2. (2) Young Undifferentiated Arc (young volcanic/plutonic source that has not experienced plagioclase fractionation); 3. (3) Young Differentiated Arc (young volcanic/plutonic source that has experienced plagioclase fractionation); 4. (4) MORB (minor). Relative proportions of these components are influenced by the plate tectonic association of the provenance and are typically (but not necessarily) reflected in the depositional basin. Provenance of quartzose (mainly passive settings) and non-quartzose (mainly active settings) turbidites can be characterized by bulk composition (e.g., Th Sc ) and Nd-isotopic composition (reflecting age).

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