The Kampti serie is a volcano-plutonic complex in the south-eastern corner of the Houndé belt, closed to the border with Ivory Coast. The stratigraphy comprises initially: a thick sequence of tholeiitic and pillowed basalt followed by pyroclastic projections derivated from bimodal volcanism; and flowing mostly to the south. The volcanic sequence is cross-cut by mafic cumulate body, stocks of gabbro, diorite, subvolcanic dykes and lately intrude by granitoid. It is bordered to the west by the pelitic schist of the Bambela basin with minor intercalation of Tarkwa type sediment. volcanoclastic facies is dominantly plagioclase-phyric (albite +/- oligoclase), zoned plagioclase has a core of anorthoclase. Secondary mineral infilled (quartz, kutnahorite, ripidolite, clinozoisite) of spherulites and oolite highlight a general low grade metamorphism of greenschist facies affecting the complex. Based on trace element chemistry, the tholeiitic rocks present flat REE pattern contrasting with the felsic rocks more enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE. The style of the magmatism in the Kampti serie is compatible with an island arc model, describe elsewhere in the birimian. Gold mineralisation and base metal occurrences associated to the nature of rocks and tectonics highlight a polymetallic district.
South west Burkina Faso is suggested to intense gold rush, especially in the Houndé belt
Three-word class deposits (120Mt) have been defined and currently being operated within the volcanic-sediment. Their locations are closed to tholeiitic basalt in the stratigraphy
Recent study in the mana gold district (Augustin and Gaboury, 2017) imply a model of plume-related tholeiitic basalt which is supposed to be primarily enriched in gold than the MORB-related basalt
South west Burkina Faso is suggested to intense gold rush, especially in the Houndé belt. Three-word class deposits (120Mt) have been defined and currently being operated within the volcanic-sediment. Their locations are closed to tholeiitic basalt in the stratigraphy. Recent study in the mana gold district (Augustin and Gaboury, 2017) imply a model of plume-related tholeiitic basalt which is supposed to be primarily enriched in gold than the MORB-related basalt. This enrichment is suggested to be the primary source of the gold, subsequently concentrated along fault to define economic deposit. An inventory of the mineral assets is presented on map to show key relationship between tectonic, rock type and occurrences to other districts on the belt
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