
Donghae City–Ulleung Island Line (DC-UI Line) is a representative line for underwater and geoacoustic modeling in the middle western East Sea (Sea of Japan). In this line, an integrated model of P-wave velocity is proposed for a low-frequency range target (<200 Hz), based on high-resolution seismic profiles (2–7 kHz sonar and air-gun), shallow and deep cores (grab, piston, and Portable Remote Operated Drilling), and outcrop geology (Tertiary rocks and the basement on land). The basement comprises 3 geoacoustic layers of P-wave velocity ranging from 3750 to 5550 m/s. The overlying sediments consist of 7 layers of P-wave velocities ranging from 1500 to 1900 m/s. The bottom model shows that the structure is very irregular and the velocity is also variable with both vertical and lateral extension. In this area, seabed and underwater acousticians should consider that low-frequency acoustic modeling is very range-dependent and a detailed geoacoustic model is necessary for better modeling of acoustic propagation such as long-range surveillance of submarines and monitoring of currents. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0025733) and by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy through the grant of Marine Geology and Geophysical Mapping Project (GP2010-013).

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