
Genotype by environment (G × E) effects in Regional Cooperative Southernpea trials for the southeastern United States were investigated to characterize the extent, pattern, and potential impact of G × E on seed yield of southernpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] genotypes. The structure of G × E effects was investigated using the Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) method. AMMI analyses revealed a highly significant genotype × environment interaction, most of which was partitioned into a genotype × location component of variance. AMMI first principal component axis scores stratified environments into two groups that minimized variation within groups. Biological interpretation of groupings and visual assessment of the AMMI biplot, revealed high-yielding genotypes interacting positively with one group of environments and conversely, low-yielding genotypes interacting positively with the other group. There were some significant rank changes of genotypes as yield potential varied across environments. Some environments showed similar main effects and interaction patterns indicating that most of the G × E effects could be captured with fewer testing sites, and consequently redundancy of some testing environments over years.

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