
Relatively few viruses infecting haloarchaea (haloviruses) have been reported. In this study, the genome sequence of VOLN27B, a recently described archaeal tailed virus (arTV) with a myovirus morphotype was described, along with the sequence of its host, Halorubrum spp. LN27. Halovirus VOLN27B contains a linear, dsDNA genome of 76,891 bp which is predicted to encode 109 proteins and four tRNAs (tRNAThr, tRNAArg, tRNAGly and tRNAAsn). The DNA G + C content of VOLN27B genome is 56.1 mol%, nearly 10% lower than that of its host strain. A 315 bp LTR (long terminal repeat) was detected in the genome. The genome of its host strain LN27 was 3,301,211 bp (chromosome and 1 plasmid) with a DNA G + C content of 68.3 mol% and 3142 annotated protein coding genes. At least two hypothetical proviruses were detected in the genome. It lacked a CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) locus. Sequence similarity and phylogenetic tree reconstructions placed it within the genus Halorubrum as a potential new species. VOLN27B exhibits a distinct difference in the frequency of codon usage against its host strain Halorubrum sp. LN27. The organization of VOLN27B genome shows remarkable synteny and amino acid sequence similarity to the genomes and predicted proteins of HF1-like haloviruses (genus Haloferacalesvirus) and a provirus in the genome of Halorubrum depositum Y78. VOLN27B and its host Halorubrum sp. LN27 comprise a new virus-host system from a hypersaline ecosystem and can be used to further understand the novel biology at extreme salt concentration.

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