
Major latex proteins (MLPs) play a key role in plant response to abiotic and biotic stresses. However, little is known about this gene family in tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). In this paper, we perform a genome-wide evolutionary characterization and gene expression analysis of the MLP family in tomatoes. We found a total of 34 SlMLP members in the tomato genome, which are heterogeneously distributed on eight chromosomes. The phylogenetic analysis of the SlMLP family unveiled their evolutionary relationships and possible functions. Furthermore, the tissue-specific expression analysis revealed that the tomato MLP members possess distinct biological functions. Crucially, multiple cis-regulatory elements associated with stress, hormone, light, and growth responses were identified in the promoter regions of these SlMLP genes, suggesting that SlMLPs are potentially involved in plant growth, development, and various stress responses. Subcellular localization demonstrated that SlMLP1, SlMLP3, and SlMLP17 are localized in the cytoplasm. In conclusion, these findings lay a foundation for further dissecting the functions of tomato SlMLP genes and exploring the evolutionary relationships of MLP homologs in different plants.

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