
Camelina is a flexible crop with several positive properties such as resistant to adverse environmental conditions, high potential for biodiesel production that make it distinctive among oilseed crops. Fatty acid desaturases (FADs) play a crucial role in regulating FA compositions, but there are no well characteristics and comprehensive genome-wide study of the FAD gene family in Camelina sativa. An exhaustive analysis was fulfilled to identify the FAD genes from Camelina sativa genome and described their phylogenetic relationship, the conserved motifs and histidine boxes, expression profile, co-expression analysis, physical and chemical properties, prediction of post-translation modifications and promoter analysis. In the present study, 24 desaturase genes were identified from Camelina sativa genome. The conserved histidine boxes were observed at deduced FAD proteins with various sequences, the four histidine boxes were figured out at omega desaturase genes, and it seems that the conserved histidine box, HHHGH, was detected for the first time. Also, three SAD genes were identified in camelina genome. Moreover, the result of the expression profile revealed that FAD genes have the tissue-specific expression pattern and diverse function in response to adverse conditions. In addition, 55 genes with high expression correlation were identified as co-expression genes with FAD genes in camelina. Besides, the studied FAD proteins varied based on predicted phosphorylation and N-glycosylation site. For instance, LOC104699734 protein showed the highest N-glycosylation site, while the LOC104765502, LOC104776214, LOC104734563, and LOC104745425 had the highest predicted phosphorylation sites. This study was the first report that widely analyzes the FAD gene family in the genome of Camelina sativa using available bioinformatics tools that will be used in future functional analyses related to molecular mechanisms of FAD genes in camelina.

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