
An attempt was made to determine the extent of genetic variability, association between different characters, direct and indirect effects of component traits on pod yield of bush French bean based on the evaluation of thirty three genotypes during summer 2008 and 2009. Sufficient variability was observed for all characters viz., days to flowering, days to first picking, average pod weight, pod length, pods/plant, plant height and pod yield/plant. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variations were recorded for pod yield/plant and pods/plant in both the years and also pooled over years, indicating high potentiality of these traits for effective selection. These traits also showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance in the respective years and in pooled years which indicated the role of additive gene action for the inheritance of these traits and are likely to respond better to selection. A positive and significant correlation of pod yield with days to flowering, average pod weight, branches/plant, pods/plant and plant height was observed, thereby emphasizing special focus on these traits for the improvement of yield. Path analysis exposed that pods/plant and average pod weight had highest positive direct effect during both the years and pooled over the years. Therefore, it might be concluded that pods/plant, branches/plant and average pod weight should be given due consideration for the improvement of pod yield/plant in French bean.

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