
Background: Edible podded pea is an oriental vegetable crop which shares the cultivation pattern with the garden pea. Fresh tender pods lacking parchment layer are consumed whole like beans. It is a newly introduced crop in India and therefore, it would be imperative to identify the most promising genotypes vis-à-vis traits of interest, those contributing towards maximization of yield. The present investigation was, therefore, planned to assess the genetic parameters of variability for pod yield and related horticultural traits in order to identify the most promising edible pod pea genotypesMethods: Thirty six genotypes comprising of 29 F7 advanced breeding lines and nine lines from different institutes including three checks namely, ‘Arka Apoorva’, ‘Arka Sampoorna’ and ‘Mithi Phali’ were evaluated in randomized complete block design over three replications during winters 2016-2017 at C.S.K. Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur for pod yield and related horticultural traits.Result: Sufficient genetic variability was observed for all morphological and yield contributing attributes. The magnitude of phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficients of variation were high for pod yield while branches per plant, internodal length, harvest duration and pods per plant showed high PCV and moderate GCV. High heritability along with high genetic advance was observed for internodal length, plant height, average pod weight and pod yield per plant indicating the importance of additive gene action. Pod yield per plant revealed positive correlation at both phenotypic and genotypic levels with pods per plant, average pod weight, pod length and pod breadth. Pods per plant and average pod weight at both phenotypic and genotypic levels had maximum positive direct and indirect effects to the total association of component traits suggesting the importance of these traits towards pod yield.

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