
The Southern Meat cattle is a composite breed developed by crossing Cuban zebu (Bos indicus) with different cattle breeds (Bos taurus) – local the Red Steppe, Hereford, Charolais, Santa Gertrudis, Dairy Shorthorn. Genetic structure of the Southern meat cattle breed from the State Enterprise Experimental Farm “Askaniyske” NAAS Ukraine (Kherson region) were investigated based on the microsatellite DNA loci. Analysis included 192 animals. A panel of 12 bovine-specific microsatellite markers (TGLA227, BM2113, TGLA53, ETH10, SPS115, TGLA122, INRA23, TGLA126, BM1818, ETH3, ETH225 and BM1824), recommended of the ISAG for cattle genetic diversity studies, was selected for genetic characterization and revealing the extent of genetic diversity in the Southern Meat cattle breed. Genomic DNA was extracted from tissue samples using Nexttec column (Nexttec Biotechnology GmbH, Germany) following the manufacturer's instructions. All laboratory tests were conducted in the laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Animal Center of Biotechnology and Molecular Diagnostics, All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after academy member L.K. Ernst. We report the distribution and the frequency of a taurine and an indicine specific alleles in the Southern Meat cattle breed using literature data about the Zebu and different cattle breeds genetic structure based on microsatellite loci from our list. It can be assumed that the TGLA22777, BM2113141-143, ETH10209-211, TGLA122149, INRA23194-198, TGLA126123, ETH225156-158-160 alleles among the Southern Meat cattle breed examined individuals were inherited from a B. indicus ancestor. On the other hand, the TGLA53156, ETH10217-219, TGLA122143, INRA23202, TGLA126115, ETH225148-150, BM1824188-190 alleles in the Southern Meat cattle gene pool may be inherited from a B. taurus ancestor (i.e., taurine breeds diagnostic alleles).


  • Genetic structure of the Southern meat cattle breed based on microsatellite markers

  • We report the distribution and the frequency of a taurine and an indicine specific alleles in the Southern Meat cattle breed using literature data about the Zebu and different cattle breeds genetic structure based on microsatellite loci from our list

  • It can be assumed that the TGLA22777, BM2113141-143, ETH10209-211, TGLA122149, INRA23194-198, TGLA126123, ETH225156-158-160 alleles among the Southern Meat cattle breed examined individuals were inherited from a B. indicus ancestor

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The TGLA53156, ETH10217-219, TGLA122143, INRA23202, TGLA126115, ETH225148-150, BM1824188-190 alleles in the Southern Meat cattle gene pool may be inherited from a B. taurus ancestor (i.e., taurine breeds diagnostic alleles). Що містила 12 мікросателітних маркерів (TGLA227, BM2113, TGLA53, ETH10, SPS115, TGLA122, INRA23, TGLA126, BM1818, ETH3, ETH225 and BM1824), рекомендовані Міжнародним товариством генетики тварин (ISAG) для дослідження генетичного різноманіття худоби, було використано для генетичного аналізу генетичної мінливості тварин південної м’ясної породи. Нами було встановлено особливості розподілу B. taurus- та B.indicus-специфічних алелів серед тварин південної м’ясної породи, використовуючи літературні джерела щодо генетичної структури зебу та різних порід худоби за локусами мікросателітів ДНК з нашого списку. Всі лабораторні дослідження було проведено в умовах лабораторії молекулярної генетики тварин Центру біотехнології та молекулярної діагностики тварин Всеросійського науково-дослідного інституту (ВНДІ) тваринництва ім. Розрахунки здійснено за допомогою комп’ютерної програми GenAIEx v. 6.5 (Peakall & Smouse, 2012)

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