
Determination of fecundity gene mutations and utilizing them in farm animals programs offers the opportunity to improve productivity. The BMP15/FecX gene is one of the candidate genes with significant effects on multiple births in sheep. Studies in small ruminant have shown that BMP15 gene mutations increase the rate of multiple births, although the effect of BMP15 gene mutations varies at the breed level. Although there are many studies on sheep fecundity in Türkiye, there are no studies on goat. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to investigate FecXG mutation in the exon 2 region of BMP15 gene in Saanen goats (Capra hircus). A total of 24 samples were used to investigate the FecXG mutation in Saanen goats raised in the Muş Plain of Türkiye. A fragment of 141 bp of BMP15 gene was amplified by PCR and then products subjected to the digestion of restriction enzyme HinfI. This preliminary study’s findings showed that there is no FecXG mutation in Saanen goats.

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