
The use of equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) in oestrous induction protocols is associated with antibody production against eCG. Moreover, there are important equine welfare issues involved in its production and the development of viable protocols without eCG in dairy goats is essential. The aim of this study was to assess oestrus and ovulatory responses of short-term oestrous synchronization protocol with or without eCG in nulliparous (NUL) and multiparous (MUL) dairy goats during the breeding season. On a random day of oestrous cycle (Day 0), Alpine (n=10 NUL and 10 MUL), Nubian (n=10 NUL and 10 MUL), and Saanen (n=10 NUL and 6 MUL) goats received 30μg of d-cloprostenol intramuscularly (IM) and an intravaginal sponge containing 60mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate, which was maintained for 6 days (Day 6). At 24h before sponge removal (Day 5), goats received IM 200IU of Novormon 5000 (G-eCG) or saline solution (G-Control). NUL and MUL goats of each breed were assigned equally into one of the two treatments. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to assess ovarian parameters, and teaser goats detected oestrus every 12h from sponge removal to ovulation or until 96h after sponge removal. The results are described as mean±s.e.m., and categorical results are presented as percentages. The normal distribution of the residues of all variables was determined by the Shapiro-Wilk test and for homoscedastic by Levene test. To evaluate interaction between treatments and parity order, the general linear model (GLM) was applied. Parametric variables were subjected to Student’s t-test. Nonparametric variables were analysed by Mann–Whitney test, Chi-squared test, and Fisher’s exact test. Values of P<0.05 were considered significant. According to the breed and parity order, Nubian and Saanen goats showed no difference (P>0.05) in reproductive parameters. Alpine goats had a longer (P<0.05) interval from sponge removal to onset of oestrus (SROE) in MUL (61±14.0h) than NUL (38.5±12.7h), longer interval from onset of oestrus to ovulation (IEOV) in NUL (33.5±11.9h) than MUL (19.5±13.4h), and the number of ovulations was greater (P<0.05) in MUL (2.2±0.9) than in NUL (1.3±0.5). In goats either receiving eCG or not, Alpine and Nubian goats had no difference (P>0.05) in SROE, IEOV, interval from sponge removal to ovulation (SROV), percentage of animals that ovulated, diameter of the ovulatory follicle, and number of ovulations. Saanen goats had a higher (P<0.05) percentage of animals that ovulated in G-eCG (87.5%) than G-control (25.0%). Regardless of parity order and breed, SROV was longer (P<0.05) in G-control (73.2±9.8h) than in G-eCG (65.1±10.2h), and the percentage of animals that ovulated was greater (P<0.05) in G-eCG (96.4%) than in G-control (67.9%). In summary, in short-term protocols for oestrous synchronization in cyclic dairy goats, the addition of eCG led to a shorter interval from sponge removal to ovulation and increased number of animals that ovulated. This research was supported by CNPq (310166/2012-8) and Embrapa (

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