
Since the distance past, Indonesia has been notable for its abundant biological resources. This is partly influenced by the geographical factors. This abundance is also possessed by the Bangka Belitung Islands, including South Bangka Regency. Based on data processed from the National Data on Indonesian Communal Intellectual Property, there are six traditional cultural expressions and seven ancestral knowledge recorded in South Bangka. This means that no genetic resources are legally registered. However, there is a lot of potential. Moreover, this district geographically differs remarkably from other regions, one of which is its numerous small islands. On the other hand, this area comprises tin mining locations which have a direct impact on the environment, including sites that have been recognized as habitats for genetic resources, both flora and fauna. This research uses empirical judicial methods, associating regulations with the facts that occur. The data used is primary data obtained from interviews and focus groups discussion, as well as secondary data obtained from literature studies of a number of documents. The results of the studies carried out showed that the protection of communal intellectual property of genetic resources is facing several serious problems, one of which is environmental damage. This is due to the massive tin mining activities, as well as the pepper gardening system which has always been on the move since earlier period. This means that environmental management in the region has an impact on the protection of genetic resources, including legitimately.

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