
This study aims to determine the genetic relationship between four strains of guppy, albino full platinum (AFP), albino german yellow (AGY), top sword (TS) and guppy yellow cobra (GYC) using the RAPD-PCR method. This study used explorative method without experimental design and analyzed by descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The obtained genetic relationship data could be used as data reference for hybridization between strains of guppy fish that have been researched. The research was conducted in October 2020-April 2021. The three fish samples (AFP, TS and GYC) obtained from fish breeder in Cilengkrang-Bandung and AGY sample obtained from fish breeder in Tanggerang-Banten. Based on the results of amplification using OPA-03 primer (AGTCAGCCAC), four strains of guppy fish showed 30 DNA bands that included polymorphic and monomorphic bands. The AFP strains had 19 monomorphic bands, AGY had 21 DNA bands (20 monomorphic bands and one polymorphic bands), TS had 19 DNA bands (17 monomorphic bands and two polymorphic bands) and GYC had 15 DNA bands (14 monomorphic bands and one polymorphic band). Phylogenetic tree analyzed by NTSys program. It is shown between AFP and AGY strains had 95% relationship index, then between TS and GYC strains had 82% relationship index and between AFP-AGY and TS-GYC had 50% relationship index.

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