
Rosa pinna ( Clerodendrum philippinum Schaue r), is a shrub with attractive and fragrant flowers. However, the tall and spread architecture and high leaf to flower ratio hinder its use as an ornamental plant. Hence, changing the level of acceptance of C. philippinum by incorporating a dwarfing gene to the plant is considered useful. A study was conducted to find a suitable regeneration medium and ultimately to modify the plant architecture through transformation of the gibberellic acid inhibitor (gai) mutant dwarfing gene by particle bombardment. Effects of different concentrations of thidiazuron (TDZ:Nphenyl N’ 1,2,3-thidiazol-5-yl urea) on callus initiation and regeneration of shoots and the effects of micro career flying distance in gene transformation of C. philippinum were investigated. The regenerated shoots were first cultured on hormone free MS medium and transferred to a MS medium with 0.5 mg/L in dole butyric acid for rooting after four weeks. The shortest duration for callus initiation, the largest callus volume (28 days after establishment) and the highest number of shoots (75 days after establishment) were observed in 1.5 mg/L TDZ in the MS medium. Results of transferring the gai mutant gene to in vitro leaves of C. philippinum revealed that both the shortest time duration and the highest plant regeneration were at 9 cm micro-carrier flying distance. Leaf tissues of regenerated plants, which carry the gai mutant gene, positively responded for the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) assay. The regenerated shoots were rooted and successfully acclimatized. Tropical Agricultural Research Vol. 25 (1): 27-37 (2013)


  • Floriculture has been identified as one of the most profitable agro-enterprises, which could generate increased income and self-employment from unit land area

  • Effects of different concentrations of TDZ on callus induction and shoot regeneration on in vitro leaves of C. philippinum Results revealed that the callus on leaf explants appeared within nine days from culture establishment on full MS medium with 1.5 mg/L TDZ and this is the shortest time period when compared with other treatments

  • The present study reveals an efficient regeneration system for C. philippinum using thidiazuron

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Floriculture has been identified as one of the most profitable agro-enterprises, which could generate increased income and self-employment from unit land area. Development of floriculture sector will help to earn foreign exchange and it will create job opportunities in the country. The floriculture sector is rapidly changing and requires the regular input of new varieties. Introduction of new developed plant varieties is essential in order to achieve success and sustainability of the industry. The climatic variation coupled with diverse terrain enables Sri Lanka to develop a wide range of floricultural plants ranging from tropical to temperate, supply of which is free from seasonal interruptions (Samarasekara, 1995). There are plenty of plants species exhibiting

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