Meat tenderness is one of the major characteristic quality of beef not only for consumers but for breeders of beef cattle too. Selection of cattle focussed on an increment of meat tenderness is complicated because this trait has large variability not only between different breeds but between individuals of equal breed too. Similarly a measurement of meat tenderness is expensive because it make after slaughter of animal and ageing of meat post mortem. Therefore it was developed a several methods, by the help of which is possible increase tenderness of meat. However still exist variance in values of meat tenderness which are caused by distinctness genetic base of animal. By using molecular genetic methods was described the most significant candidate genes (CAPN1, CAST) coding formation of the calpains-calpastatin proteolytic system, which exercise an influence on tenderness. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes were using to design commercially genetic marker panels GeneSTAR Tenderness and Igenity Tender-GENE. By help this commercially test is possible to make genotyping and selection of animals for production of tenderness beef meat in meat industry.
Meat tenderness is one of the major characteristic quality of beef for consumers but for breeders of beef cattle too
Početné štúdie potvrdzujúce silnú asociáciu tohto single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) s jemnosťou hovädzieho mäsa umožnili využitie spomínanej mutácie génu CAST v komerčnom teste GeneSTAR Tenderness, ktorý spolu s vybranými SNP μ-kalpaínu CAPN316 a CAPN4751 tvoria jeden zo základných panelov pre predikciu jemnosti mäsa hovädzieho dobytka
Hlavným zámerom bolo poukázať na vplyv genetických markerov génov CAPN1 a CAST, ktorých komerčné využitie sa už realizuje vo vyspelých krajinách s vysokou produkciu hovädzieho mäsa ako Austrália, Kanada a USA
Meat tenderness is one of the major characteristic quality of beef for consumers but for breeders of beef cattle too. Samotný proces zrenia mäsa post mortem môžeme rozdeliť do troch fáz, počas ktorých dochádza k premene svalu na mäso. Porovnávaním zvierat jedného plemena s rovnakým vekom boli zistené rozdielne hodnoty jemnosti mäsa, príčinou ktorých mohla byť úroveň kontrakcie sarkomér pri nástupe rigor mortis (Sentandreu et al, 2002).
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