
The Moracke Planine Mountains, situated in the central part of Montenegro, were the center of intensive Pleistocene glaciation. Specific type of moraines - hummocky ones, which have not been recorded in the southeastern Dinarides up to now, were recently identified and investigated in western part of the Moracke Planine Mts. Moraine material accumulated on limestone basement, where several tens of irregularly distributed hummocks and similar number of bowl-shaped dolines have been carved already. The hummocky moraines formed in the glaciokarst landscape where the well-developed karst morphology has been shaped before glaciation. Pre-glacial karst morphology determined the direction of glacier movement as well as its main morphological characteristics (thickness and width). During the most intensive glaciation phase (?IS 12) the Lukavicko-lukovski Glacier, spread out from the central part of mountain towards west, reaching a length of 16.5 km. Due to uneven glacier thickness, the deglaciation process led to its breaking and separation of the lower and shorter part from the rest of the icy mass. Stagnant state of the icy mass led to specific accumulation of moraine material in a form of numerous hummocks, whose melting produced a bowl-shaped dolinas in-between. The paleogeographic significance of hummocky moraines lies in the possibilities of more detailed studies of the Pleistocene glaciers specifics that arise from their evolution in glacio-karst conditions.

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