
Relevance of the work. Research aimed at identification of genesis of chromium ores in alpine-type hyperbasites has been conducted by scientists (geologists, petrologists and geochemists) around the world for more than a century. Nevertheless, the issue of their origin remains debatable to this day. The purpose of the work is to highlight the main stages of the development of scientific ideas about the genesis of chromian mineralization in alpinotype hyperbasites; to present and summarize the main, most significant and innovative scientific ideas of Russian and foreign experts who have been involved in this issue. Results. The evolution of scientific views on the genesis of chromic mineralization from the second half of the 19th century is traced. In Russia and abroad, its main stages are highlighted. Throughout this period, some ideas dominated that link the formation of concentrations of ore-forming chrome-spinels with its crystallization from magmatic melt. Major discoveries in earth sciences – the emergence of plate tectonics, the discovery of UHP minerals in chromite-bearing ultrabasites, – intensified the scientific search and led to the emergence of alternative models that consider chromitites as products of metasomatism or metamorphism. Particular attention is paid to the results of research by Russian experts, whose scientific contribution to the development of ideas about the genesis of chromium ores is very large and at the same time, from our point of view, underestimated. This work is intended for geologists, petrologists, and experts in the geology of ore deposits dealing with ultramafic, chromic ores, and ophiolite complexes in general.


  • The earliest models of the formation of chromium ores widespread at the end of the 19th century considered them as products of secondary changes in peridotites enriched in chromium [1, 2]

  • Johan Herman Lie Vogt [3] in his work, using no.rway deposits as an example, showed that chromitites can occur in completely unchanged peridotites, and for the first time it was suggested that magmatic segregation is the only mechanism of their formation

  • From his point of view [6], during direct crystallization of chromitite from melt, in order to obtain concentrations of chromium spinels it is necessary to re-melt mineral crystals that have previously crystallized from the melt

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Early stage

At the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries, an active industrial production of alloyed steels and ferroalloys began. The foundations of experimental magmatic petrology were laid in the works of no.rman Levy Bowen, one of the most famous petrologists of 20th century He dealt with the formation of chromitites. From his point of view [6], during direct crystallization of chromitite from melt ( to that proposed by Vogt), in order to obtain concentrations of chromium spinels it is necessary to re-melt mineral crystals that have previously crystallized from the melt. In this case, spinel can be enriched with its refractory components, in particular chrome.

The emergence of plate tectonics paradigm
Modern models of chromite formation proposed by Russian researchers
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