Enrichment iron ore of the Hamersley Province, currently estimated at a resource of over 40 billion tonnes (Gt), mainly consists of BIF (banded iron-formation)-hosted bedded iron deposits (BID) and channel iron deposits (CID), with only minor detrital iron deposits (DID). The Hamersley BID comprises two major ore types: the dominant supergene martite–goethite (M-G) ores (Mesozoic–Paleocene) and the premium martite–microplaty hematite ores (M-mplH; ca 2.0 Ga) with their various subtypes. The supergene M-G ores are not common outside Australia, whereas the M-mplH ores are the principal worldwide resource. There are two current dominant genetic models for the Hamersley BID. In the earlier 1980–1985 model, supergene M-G ores formed in the Paleoproterozoic well below normal atmospheric access, driven by seasonal oxidising electrochemical reactions in the vadose zone of the parent BIF (cathode) linked through conducting magnetite horizons to the deep reacting zone (anode). Proterozoic regional metamorphism/diagenesis at ∼80–100°C of these M-G ores formed mplH from the matrix goethite in the local hydrothermal environment of its own exhaled water to produce M-mplH ores with residual goethite. Following general exposure by erosion in the Cretaceous–Paleocene when a major second phase of M-G ores formed, ground water leaching of residual goethite from the metamorphosed Proterozoic ores resulted in the mainly goethite-free M-mplH ores of Mt Whaleback and Mt Tom Price. Residual goethite is common in the Paraburdoo M-mplH-goethite ores where erratic remnants of Paleoproterozoic cover indicate more recent exposure. Deep unweathered BIF alteration residuals in two small areas of the Mt Tom Price M-mplH deposits have been used since 1999 for new hypogene–supergene modelling of the M-mplH ores. These models involve a major Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal stage in which alkaline solutions from the underlying Wittenoom Formation dolomite traversed the Southern Batter Fault to leach matrix silica from the BIF, adding siderite and apatite to produce a magnetite–siderite–apatite ‘protore.’ A later heated meteoric solution stage oxidised siderite to mplH + ankerite and magnetite to martite. Weathering finally removed residual carbonates and apatite leaving the high-grade porous M-mplH ore. Further concepts for the Mt Tom Price North and the Southern Ridge Deposits involving acid solutions followed, but these have been modified to return essentially to the earlier hypogene–supergene model. Textural data from erratic ‘metasomatic BIF’ zones associated with the above deposits are unlike those of the typical martite–microplaty hematite ore bodies. The destiny of the massive volumes of dissolved silica gangue and the absence of massive silica aureoles has not been explained. Petrographic and other evidence indicate the Mt Tom Price metasomatism is a localised post-ore phenomenon. Exothermic oxidation reactions in the associated pyrite-rich black shales during post-ore removal by groundwater of remnant goethite in the ores may have resulted in this very localised and erratic hydrothermal alteration of BIF and its immediately associated pre-existing ore.
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