
Paleosols are soils that were formed on an ancient landscape. They may be buried soils and/or soils incorporated into the sedimentary sequences, exhumed soils, or soils developed on ancient relief surfaces (relict soils). Exposed on the surface and influenced by later environmental changes, paleosols reveal ancient environments and contain records regarding the climate, vegetation, landforms, organisms, parent material, time, intensity of pedogenesis, and sedimentation rates in effect during their training. In the Marília Formation, the paleosols, exhumed and buried, developed on sandstones have argic (Btk, Bt and Bss), hydromorphic (Cg) and calcic (Bk) horizons with different degrees of cementation, forming mainly calcretes. The objective of this study was to characterize the genesis of the paleosols of the Marília Formation, addressing the dynamics of their formation factors and processes at local and regional levels in order to reconstitute the conditions of environmental evolution of the Maastrichtian of the Bauru Basin. Eleven sections (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10 and S11) of the Marília Formation were described and collected on nine sample profiles. Micromorphological, mineralogical and geochemical analyses were performed according to the specialized literature. In the Marília Formation, sedimentation, erosion and pedogenesis are processes that occurred together, concomitantly or subsequently, in view of the fluvial paleoenvironmental dynamics. The paleosols indicate the end of depositional cycles, with differentiated rates, intensities and duration. The paleosols of the Marília Formation comprise well-drained (Bt-horizon) and poorly drained or hydromorphic (Cg-horizon) pedotypes, of drier conditions (Bkm-horizon) and pedotypes indicative of drier periods alternated with periods of higher humidity (Bss-horizon). The profiles were classified as Luvisols (Bt and Btk horizons), Calcisols (Bk and Ck horizons), Arenosols (C-horizons) and Vertisols (Bss-horizons). Paleosols developed on the flatter and lower portions of the slopes and floodplains and were commonly influenced by the oscillation of the groundwater and the seasonality of the climate. Sandstone with allochthonous and autochthonous carbonate cementation constituted the main parent material of the paleosols. The predominant climate during the Maastrichtian was semi-arid, with seasonality and variations in precipitation patterns and a precipitation-evapotranspiration relationship that provided conditions for the formation of paleosols with Bk, Btk, Bss, Bg and Bt horizons. The time of formation of these diagnostic horizons was dependent on climatic and edaphic factors. However, the time factor lasted until approximately 200,000 years, allowing paleosols to develop with Bt-horizons and prismatic and block structures. Calcification and argilluviation were the formation processes responsible for the genesis and evolution of paleosols during the Maastrichtian of the Bauru Basin. Weathering indexes have shown that paleosols with Bt-horizons are more weathered than are those with Btk and Bk horizons. The paleosols with Bk-horizons reflect periods with more arid conditions in the general context of the semi-arid paleoclimate of the Maastrichtian of the Bauru Basin.

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