
Generically computable sets, as introduced by Jockusch and Schupp, have been of great interest in recent years. This idea of approximate computability was motivated by asymptotic density problems studied by Gromov in combinatorial group theory. More recently, we have defined notions of generically computable structures, and studied in particular equivalence structures and injection structures. A structure is said to be generically computable if there is a computable substructure defined on an asymptotically dense set, where the functions are computable and the relations are computably enumerable. It turned out that every equivalence structure has a generically computable copy, whereas there is a non-trivial characterization of the injection structures with generically computable copies. In this paper, we return to group theory, as we explore the generic computablity of Abelian groups. We show that any Abelian p-group has a generically computable copy and that such a group has a $$\varSigma _2$$ -generically computably enumerable copy if and only it has a computable copy. We also give a partial characterization of the $$\varSigma _1$$ -generically computably enumerable Abelian p-groups. We also give a non-trivial characterization of the generically computable Abelian groups that are not p-groups.

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