
Image Synthesis or generation is evolving at a high rate helping from diagnosis of diseases to traffic control. Deep Learning has touched a new height in which domains like Computer Vision have successfully developed Deep learning models for image generation. Recent improvements in deep learning enabled Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs to achieve a remarkable level of success in image synthesis. GANs help in generating significant and relevant outcomes from convoluted patterns as input. This piece of research aims at making a call towards conservation of tribal art culture through deploying neural models and computer vision techniques, in line with Warli tribal human synthetic stick figures of Asian tribes. This paper presents several methods for synthesizing human stick figures in Asian Tribal Art using modified GAN architecture. The modified GANs were quite different in terms of layers as well as the range and distribution of latent vector space. To provide input data for the training process, a customized data set was created based on spherical polar coordinates and the laws of coordinate geometry. The process of training the GAN architecture involves insertion of random vector points, and addition of neural layers, to generate outputs of higher and better resolution. The paper includes training of Generator and Discriminator following the concepts of Transfer learning and providing relevant affirmation to draw conclusions that the generated samples exhibit similarities and resemble the original input sample. Further work extends towards using of different color space data set images for generating outputs with better accuracy through the modified GAN models. The final generated output images along with other visualizations are also attached with this work to provide evidence for the fact that the output samples are analogous to the actual data. This piece of research tries to open a gate way of using artificial intelligence in terms of cultivating and protecting the traditional art cultures of various tribes across the globe. The proposed methodology performed quite well in terms of producing warli figures from given latent vector space, which is vindicated by the comparison of images at pixel level and image histograms.

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