
In the ever-changing 21st century, a new generation has emerged that is ready to change the way we see and interact with others. The aim of this article is to observe the intricacies and complexities of Generation Z's personal relationships. To study this particular generation in more detail, we conducted a quantitative study, a survey to be precise, and the results were interesting. We were able to observe how much value these people place on their personal relationships, how they maintain them, how they engage with each other and how important these relationships are to them personally. Personal connections were highly valued by the majority of participants and had a major impact on their lives. Most of them enjoy meaningful relationships and are satisfied with their circumstances. Despite the fact that this generation is chronically online, it seems to be much easier for most of them to build relationships offline, face-to-face. The ability to express ourselves better in person, the fact that we are social creatures, and the fact that real friendships can form and last much longer are just some of the reasons why some people find it easier to build relationships offline.

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