
Problem statement: nowadays the using of Smart electromechanical systems (SEMS) is effective for creating robotic systems, which have the ability to quickly generate the necessary control commands due to the presence of the Central nervous system (CNS). When managing the behavior of such groups, it is necessary, first of all, to monitor the environment and evaluate the group’s ability to make correct decisions according to the parameters of each SEMS. Using one SEMS in a group of optic-electronic sensors increases the reliability of the situation assessment and speeds up the generation of control commands. Such a SEMS becomes a coordinator whose commands have a high priority for execution by other SEMS. One of the most effective ways to generate correct decisions is the using a computer and physical simulation by the SEMS coordinator, whose parameters are determined by the environment influenced signals from the optic-electronic sensors. Purpose of research: the search for the optimal structure of the models for the coordinator which it is depended by various external situations and researching the decision-making process based on signals from the SEMS coordinator’s optic-electronic sensors. Methods: computer and physical models that are concluded by the coordinator are analyzed, on the one hand, as receivers of signals about changes in the external environment from multi-channel optic-electronic sensors, and on the other hand as data generators for controlling other SEMS in the group. Solutions are determined by modeling the changes in the external situation. Results: the SEMS group for aligning the relative positions of large objects is considered. The SEMS group is formed by line and parallel structures, and one of the SEMS is the group coordinator and it generates priority control commands for the other SEMS. To provide the SEMS coordinator features, physical and computer models were synthesized to simulate various types of noise and deviations of environmental parameters and determine the estimation of the position error of objects. It is shown that the use of a multi-channel optic-electronic sensors allows the SEMS coordinator to obtain reliable data for modeling and generating control commands for the another SEMS in the group. A sequence of results which are generated by models and a strategy for their further using in the process of finding the optimal solution for situational management of a SEMS group with a coordinator is proposed. Practical significance: the research results can be used in situational control of a group of interacting SEMS, where a coordinator with a multi-channel optoelectronic sensor generates the priority control commands, for example, in the control of the system for adapting the surface shape of telescopes and radio telescopes with sectional reflecting elements, a group of robotic collectors with coordinator performing joint operations, etc.

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