
In this paper, we propose and demonstrate the robustness of a three dimensional texture-based method, Gradient of Texture (GoT), for salt dome delineation in the presence of various types of random and non coherent noise. The noise robustness of GoT is inherent from the perceptual dissimilarity measure function that evaluates the dissimilarity between neighboring cubes in GoT along inline, crossline and time directions. The noise causes a shift in dissimilarity and hence the GoT map which is countered by the adaptive global threshold in the GoT post-processing. The experimental results of the synthetically induced noise on the real dataset from the North Sea, F3 block show the effectiveness of 3D-GoT to various types of noise. The majority of edge-based and texture-based algorithms fail to yield any results in current experimental setup, whereas GoT successfully delineates the salt domes with a minimal degradation in its performance.

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