
In the current work we present two generalizations of the Parallel Tempering algorithm in the context of discrete-time Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inverse problems. These generalizations use state-dependent swapping rates, inspired by the so-called continuous time Infinite Swapping algorithm presented in Plattner et al. (J Chem Phys 135(13):134111, 2011). We analyze the reversibility and ergodicity properties of our generalized PT algorithms. Numerical results on sampling from different target distributions, show that the proposed methods significantly improve sampling efficiency over more traditional sampling algorithms such as Random Walk Metropolis, preconditioned Crank–Nicolson, and (standard) Parallel Tempering.


  • Modern computational facilities and recent advances in computational techniques have made the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods feasible for some large-scale Bayesian inverse problems (BIP), where the goal is to characterize the posterior distribution of a set of parameters θ of a computational model which describes some physical phenomena, conditioned on some measured data y

  • We propose to either (i) swap states in the chains at every iteration of the algorithm in such a way that the swap is accepted with probability one, which we will refer to as the Unweighted Generalized Parallel Tempering (UGPT), or (ii), swap dynamics at every step of the algorithm

  • We can see how both GPT algorithms provide a gain over random walk Metropolis (RWM), PT and Pairwise State Dependent Parallel Tempering (PSDPT) algorithms, with the Weighted Generalized Parallel Tempering (WGPT) algorithm providing the largest gain

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Modern computational facilities and recent advances in computational techniques have made the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods feasible for some large-scale Bayesian inverse problems (BIP), where the goal is to characterize the posterior distribution of a set of parameters θ of a computational model which describes some physical phenomena, conditioned on some (usually indirectly) measured data y. Some computational difficulties are prone to arise when dealing with difficult to explore posteriors, i.e., posterior distributions that are multi-modal, or that concentrate around a non-linear, lower-dimensional manifold, since some of the more commonly-used Markov transition kernels in MCMC algorithms, such as random walk Metropolis (RWM) or preconditioned Crank-Nicholson (pCN), are not well-suited in such situations. This in turn can make the computational time needed to properly explore these compli-. By proposing to exchange states between chains that target posteriors at different temperatures, it is possible for the chain of interest (i.e., the one targeting μ) to mix faster, and to avoid the undesirable behavior of some MCMC sam-

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Bayesian inverse problems
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Metropolis-Hastings and tempering
Generalizing parallel tempering
The swapping kernel q
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The parallel tempering case
Unweighted generalized parallel tempering
67 Page 8 of 26
Weighted generalized parallel tempering
67 Page 10 of 26
Geometric ergodicity and L2-spectral gap for GPT
67 Page 12 of 26
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Discussion and comparison to similar theoretical result
Numerical experiments
Implementation remarks
Experimental setup
Density concentrated over a quarter circle-shaped manifold
Multiple source elliptic BIP
67 Page 18 of 26
Acoustic wave source inversion
High-dimensional acoustic wave inversion
67 Page 22 of 26
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A Proof of Proposition 7
67 Page 26 of 26
Full Text
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