This working paper presents some of the data and pretheoretical generalizations on which Eutha's (1980) study of Afrikaans synthetic compounding is based. Huwever, whereas Botha's study also deals with synthetic compounds whi"h are not verbally based, the data and generalizations in this paper are restrir.ted to verbal compounds. It must be stressed, moreover, that the present paper makes no attempt to provide any explanation whatsoever of the data. It does not purport to be anything more than a pretheoretical analysis of the data. The paper is presented in the hope that the data and generalizations will be interesting to other linguists currently investigating thc same or related aspects of morphology or word formation.
This working paper presents some of the data and pretheoretical generalizations on which Eutha's (1980) study of Afrikaans synthetic compounding is based
Whereas Botha's study deals with synthetic compounds whi"h are not verbally based, the data and generalizations in this paper are restrir.ted to verbal compounds
In order to investigate the formation of verbal compounds in Afrikaans, a selected corpus of Afrikaans verbs are classified into four different categories, viz. cero-morph verbs, optional double-object verbs, obligatory transitive verbs and intransitive verbs
This working paper presents some of the data and pretheoretical generalizations on which Eutha's (1980) study of Afrikaans synthetic compounding is based. Whereas Botha's study deals with synthetic compounds whi"h are not verbally based, the data and generalizations in this paper are restrir.ted to verbal compounds. Proceeding on the assumption (Botha 1980:67) that verbal compounds are formed on the basis of deep structure phrases, the verb must occur in the final position in the sentence. Die seun werk that Jan the boy works dat ,Tan die seun rnoeg werk that Jan the boy tired works These sentences reveal that an intransitive verb becomes transitive if the object is qualified by an adjective used predicatively. No attempt will be made in this paper to find explanations for phenomena such as the one illustrated above
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