
The article is dedicated to the comprehensive study of the problems of the general theoretical features of the internally displaced persons legal status (IDPs) in Ukraine during the war as the most acute period of socio-legal anomie, when all citizens of the state are negatively affected by military actions.
 It was found that the provision of psychological assistance to the IDPs is an important aspect, which allows people who live in difficult conditions to emotionally and psychologically stabilize their state and, as a result, avoid certain illegal actions and not become the object of criminal encroachments by offenders. The IDPs have all the rights of citizens of Ukraine and certain rights provided by their status. The procedure for citizens of their rights realization outside of their permanent residence may be complicated by the IDP's certain documents lack, their loss, or ignorance of their rights as the IDPs.
 The problems of children rights compliance who have become internally displaced persons are emphasized. In Ukraine, targeted state support is provided to children registered as internally displaced persons. Along with solving the material and household aspects of life, it is also necessary to prevent manifestations of illegal behavior among children, bullying, etc. The preventive work of juvenile prevention bodies, together with psychological services, should be aimed at integrating the minor into a new environment based on the principles of legality and compliance with the rights of the child.
 It is noted that an important aspect is the provision of free legal aid to the IDPs. In the cities that host the main number of IDPs, it is possible to get qualified legal assistance in the premises of railway stations regarding the main issues of the registration procedure, temporary settlement, food, medical and social assistance. Social solidarity and interaction of all citizens is highly important.
 The state should show maximum support for the specified category of citizens in order to prevent violation of their rights and freedoms, manifestations of illegal behavior of these persons and towards them, as well as, with the aim of avoiding the mass Ukrainian refugees flow due to the imperfect system of ensuring the basic rights of IDPs by relevant services and authority structures.

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