
We provide a framework for generic 4D conformal bootstrap computations. It is based on the unification of two independent approaches, the covariant (embedding) formalism and the non-covariant (conformal frame) formalism. We construct their main ingredients (tensor structures and differential operators) and establish a precise connection between them. We supplement the discussion by additional details like classification of tensor structures of n-point functions, normalization of 2-point functions and seed conformal blocks, Casimir differential operators and treatment of conserved operators and permutation symmetries. Finally, we implement our framework in a Mathematica package and make it freely available.


  • In recent years a lot of progress has been made in understanding Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) in d ≥ 3 dimensions using the conformal bootstrap approach [1,2,3,4,5]

  • In this paper we have described a framework for performing computations in 4D CFTs by unifying two different approaches, the covariant embedding formalism and the noncovariant conformal frame formalism

  • In the embedding formalism we have explained the recipe for constructing tensor structures of n-point functions in the 6D embedding space

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In recent years a lot of progress has been made in understanding Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) in d ≥ 3 dimensions using the conformal bootstrap approach [1,2,3,4,5] (see [6, 7] for recent introduction). In order to set up the crossing equations for a spinning 4-point function, first, one needs to find a basis of its tensor structures and second, to compute all the relevant conformal blocks. The difficulty of this task increases with the dimension d due to an increasing complexity of the d-dimesnional Lorentz group. In this approach 4- and higher-point tensor structures are hard to analyze due to a growing number of non-linear relations between the basic building blocks This problem is alleviated in the conformal frame ap-.

Outline of the framework
Correlation functions of local operators
Decomposition in Conformal Partial Waves
The bootstrap equations
Embedding formalism
Construction of tensor structures
Spinning differential operators
Conformal frame
Three-point functions
Four-point functions
Five-point functions and higher
Relation with the EF
Differentiation in the conformal frame
Package demonstration
A Details of the 4D formalism
B Details of the 6D formalism
C Normalization of two-point functions and seed CPWs
E Covariant bases of three-point tensor structures
F Casimir differential operators
G Conserved operators
H Permutations symmetries
Full Text
Paper version not known

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