
This paper attempts to reconstruct the genealogical tree of the Quba khans. The starting point of the study is the time of the appearance of the Khanate in the second half of the 17th century, when the Persian Shah segregated Quba into a separate possession. The study ends with the time of the elimination of the khanate as an independent political entity in the XIX century, which resulted into the end of the ruling dynasty. The work uses general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction), as well as a comparative method applied to the historical sources to determine the degree of their reliability. Information from various sources and the conclusions of historians have been analyzed and compared with each other. Due to this, unreliable information has been revealed. As a result of the study, an integral picture of the genealogy of the Quba rulers was compiled, which included the rulers themselves, their dynastic ties, and also heirs and all other children. The collected material is presented in the form of a genealogical tree. In the course of the study, based on the received material, some conclusions were drawn on certain controversial issues of Quba history. In particular, the origin of the Quba rulers (divergent data on this issue in various sources), the transfer of power.


  • As a result of the study, an integral picture of the genealogy of the Quba rulers was compiled, which included the rulers themselves, their dynastic ties, and heirs and all other children

  • Для налаживания отношений с Шемахой Фат-Али-хан согласился выдать свою сестру Фатьму-ханум за МухаммадаМирза-бека Шекинского [9, c. 209]

  • Она отправила своего младшего брата Гасан-хана к российскому главнокомандующему за ханским назначением, выдала свою сестру Чимназ-ханум за Абдулла-бека, а сама вышла за Мехти-бека, который стал шамхалом Тарковским после смерти своего отца [1, с. 152]

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As a result of the study, an integral picture of the genealogy of the Quba rulers was compiled, which included the rulers themselves, their dynastic ties, and heirs and all other children. В родословной таблице Кубинских ханов смерть Ахмад-хана-уцмия определяется 1703 годом, что является явной ошибкой. В Кубинском ханстве произошло восстание, в результате которого мятежниками был убит сын Ахмад-хана Султан-Ахмад-хан. А его малолетний сын Гусейн-Али был чудом спасен [2, с. Эта история спасения малолетнего наследника, практически повторяет вышеизложенную историю конфликта внутри уцмийского дома, вплоть до имен главных действующих лиц – Султан-Ахмад-хан и его сын Гусейн-Али.

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