
The relevance of the research is explained by the following reasons: Firstly, we live in the information age, which has made possible rapid global communications and the existence of information networks, which has significantly changed the shape of modern society. The incoming information shapes our perception of the world. It is from the media that we learn about both positive and negative events in different regions, and thanks to Internet publications, it is possible to obtain relevant information at any time of the day or night; Secondly, the Russian Federation consists of 85 subjects, each of which is unique in cultural, economic, social and other spheres. Among all the diversity, it is important for the Transbaikal Region not to lose its individuality. Thanks to regional media, the image of the territory is formed not only in the region, but also outside of it, so it is urgent to attach importance to the informational content that is broadcast by the region's media outlets; Thirdly, it is important how the residents of the Transbaikal Region perceive their region, and this perception is directly influenced by the regional media. The object of the study is the image of the Transbaikal Region. The subject of the study is the formation of the Transbaikal Region image by news headlines of regional media (online publications "Chita.ru" and "Zabnews.ru"). The aim of the research is to substantiate theoretically the region’s image formation in the regional media, to establish what image of the Transbaikal Region is formed by news headlines of regional online publications in 2022 (positive, negative, neutral). The aim of the study is achieved by solving the following tasks: - to clarify the concept, types and structural elements of the region’s image, the differences from the media image; - to reveal the mechanisms of the region’s image formation in the regional mass media; - to consider the regional media as a means of managing the region’s image; - describe regional Internet publications of the Transbaikal Region in 2022; - examine the news headlines of regional online publications of 2022 as the basis for the Transbaikal Region’s image formation; - develop recommendations for regional online publications on the Transbaikal Region’s image formation. The authors have used the following means of argumentation: the results of content analysis of news headlines of Internet-editions of the Transbaikal region in 2022. The methodological basis of the study consisted of the principle of objectivity, comprehensiveness, determinism, as well as general scientific and special scientific methods of knowledge. The general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, classification have also been used. The particular scientific methods - quantitative content analysis (content analysis) of the text of news headlines of Internet publications of the Transbaikal Region for 2022 have been applied. The empirical basis of the study have become 906 news headlines, selected in the period from January to April 2022 from two most quoted regional online publications of the Transbaikal Region - "Chita.ru" and "Zabnews.ru". The results of the study of the Transbaikal Region image, formed by regional media (online-editions "Chita.ru" and "Zabnews.ru") are presented. News headlines of regional online-editions in 2022 are considered as the basis of formation of the Transbaikal Region image. Recommendations for regional online publications on the formation of the Transbaikal Region image have been developed.

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