
Relevance. Gender stereotypes significantly affect the psychological state of individuals in the family, shaping their perceptions of themselves and their roles in relationships. This makes the study of these stereotypes essential and relevant. Purpose. This paper aims to investigate the dynamics and nature of gender stereotypes in family relations within the context of 21st-century Kyrgyz society. Methodology. The study employs methods of abstraction, analysis, systematization, and generalization. Results. The findings indicate that gender stereotypes continue to influence family dynamics in Kyrgyzstan. These stereotypes are formed and sustained by various sociocultural institutions, including the family, schools, and religious communities. The study reveals that gender stereotypes in the family can lead to conflicts and hinder personal development, limiting the opportunities of each family member. Conclusions. Overcoming these stereotypes requires a comprehensive approach, including educational programs, awareness-raising initiatives, and support from the State. Examples of equal family roles, cultural and educational activities, and the promotion of economic self-sufficiency and active youth involvement are critical factors. Additionally, globalization and the media significantly influence the formation of gender stereotypes but can also aid in their revision and eradication by supporting diverse and inclusive representations of gender roles in society. The findings provide a foundation for developing strategies and programs to address gender stereotypes in family relationships. Keywords: gender stereotypes; Kyrgyzstan; religious factor; discrimination against women

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