
The individual face shape, the ratio of its proportions, the articulation capabilities of each person to a significant extent depend on the characteristics of occlusion and occlusion, in turn, are determined by the size, shape and ratio of dental, alveolar and basal arches. Two of them - alveolar and basal - pass at the corresponding levels of the alveolar areas of the jaws, which means that it is almost impossible to correct them, therefore they play the role of landmarks for setting the dental arch during dental prosthetics. A full-fledged aesthetic and functional restoration of the maxillofacial region after prosthetics largely depends on the dentist taking into account the individual morphological characteristics of the jaws, their cellular areas and specifically the morphometric parameters of the collar and basal arches. In order to determine the possible variants of the shape of the alveolar and basal arches of the upper jaw and the patterns of their ratio during the routine dental examination, 55 people (27 men and 28 women) aged 21-60 years with preserved maxillary dentition were examined. It has been established that the alveolar and basal arches of the upper jaw can have the shape of five geometric shapes: an oval, a semicircle, an ellipse, a trapezoid or a square. In this case, the shape of the collar and basal arches can coincide or be combined in various combinations. The analysis of the obtained results showed that in men the alveolar arch most often had the shape of an oval (70%), in women - an oval or semicircle (43%, respectively). With the aim of possible variants of the alveolar and basal arches form determination and peculiarities of their correlation 55 individuals (27 men and 28 women) in age of 21-60 years with the preserved teeth row were examined during planned dental examination. All examined were patients of the “Dental clinic of dr. Dakhno” (Kyiv). Computer tomographic investigation was made to these patients according to medical indications, scanning was made parallely to the occlusal plane. Image reconstruction was conducted with the use of highly dimentional bone algorithm. Alveolar and basal arch form of the upper jaw were determined on the images. It was established that alveolar and basal arches of the upper jaw can have a form of five geometrical figures: oval, semicircle, ellipse, trapeze or square. Form of the alveolar and basal arches can match or can combine in different combinations. Received results analysis testified that alveolar arch has a form of the oval in men and oval or semicircle – in women. Basal arch in men also most frequently has a form of oval, less often – semicircle, square and trapeze. In women basal arch more often has a form of trapeze or semicircle, less often – oval or square. In men alveolar and basal arches form matched in 41% of cases, in women – only in 31% of cases among total amount of all examined individuals. Most often alveolar and basal arches matched in the form of oval and semicircle, only in one case arches of the trapeze form matched in man, in woman – square form. Maxillary alveolar and basal arches form variants analysis let to determine areas, where distance between alveolar crests was maximal. Most variable this index was in individuals with the oval form of the alveolar arch on the level of 16-26, 17-27 or 18-28 teeth. Peculiarities of the alveolar and basal arches form of the alveolar process of the upper jaw in male and female individuals are characterized with expressed individual variability. These peculiarities consideration during dental prosthesis let avoid series of complications connected with the pressure redistribution on the osseous tissue of the jaws during articulation.

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