
This paper discusses gender equality concerns within higher education, politics and examines the gender related policies introduced in Kosovo. Gender differences emerge in primary and secondary education partly because traditional gender roles and stereotypes tend to be reproduced in schools. These differences are then reflected in and further strengthened by the choices made and opportunities open to women and men at the higher levels of education and vocational training. Therefore, it is important to examine whether and how Kosovo attempt to combat these inequalities. Kosovo have designed policy and have supported projects targeting gender inequalities in education and incorporate specific gender equality provisions in legislation or in governmental strategies and make it compulsory for political parties to create their own gender equality policies. In politics are obliged 30% quotas for female places in Assembly, but in other Higher management positions are mostly males, for example in 6 public Universities all rectors and most deans are male. In Higher Education Institutions are two main concerns in Kosovo with respect to gender inequality in higher or tertiary education: horizontal and vertical segregation. Firstly, it is concerned about horizontal segregation, that is, the problem that women and men choose different fields of study in higher education, with women being under-represented in engineering and science. Secondly, it is also concerned about vertical segregation. This problem is related to the currently existing 'glass ceiling' in tertiary education: while women outnumber men amongst higher education graduates. They participation in Higher Education its slightly increased at the doctoral level, and there are even fewer women amongst academic staff in universities, or none of them as Rector but few of them as Vice-Rector at the managerial level in universities. These two issues and the policies intended to deal with them will be discussed in this paper. 1)University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” since 1970, University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren since 2010, University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja, University “Isa Boletini” Mitrovica, University “Kadri Zeka” Gjilan und University “Fehmi Agani” Gjakova since 2011

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