
The scope of social policy today is extensive. With the changing global scenario there is a rediscovery of “social” in it. Indubitably, there is a gender perspective on social policy globally. The world Economic Forum states that there are only six countries in the world (Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden) where women have equal work rights to men. It is noted that the situation in different countries vary when it comes to the working benefits of different genders whether for native or expatriate workers in those places. Though there are rooms to enjoy attractive income and favorable working conditions such as job security, generous retirement plan, and other welfare benefits, there are still various factors that might lead to gender-based differences or gender discrimination in the unique labor market context of the GCC countries. The scenario is distinct in many Scandinavian nations like Sweden. Those countries are often considered as the role model for gender equal work allowances. When it comes to India there is still disparity and difference in many areas despite of the social security system the country offers in its policies. This paper aims at a descriptive and qualitative study on the causes, consequences and conclusion of the gender disparity in employee allowances of these nations. The study would imply simple random method of interrogations to examine gender differences empirically within the labor market of the mentioned nations. The economic benefits of a gender equal nation in the framing of social policy will be emphasized and focused.

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