
Discrimination which means treating group of people or one person less well or less fairly than other people or groups. Article15[1] of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination against any citizen on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Article14 of the Indian Constitution provides equality before the law or equal protection within the territory of India and prohibits the unreasonable discrimination between persons. In this article it is mainly discussed about the gender discrimination in the workplace. Gender discrimination which means the employer will discriminate the employee on the basis of their caste, sex (whether male or female), and religion etc. The employer will discriminate the employee on the basis of their gender, the male will get more remuneration while compared to the female but their work will be the same. The discrimination in workplace also includes transgender discrimination. The transgender is not given proper respect in the society and the educated transgender are not able get proper job because of discrimination. My mining job wouldn’t promote me because I am a woman” – said by HANNA HURTS. She was one of only two women working underground at a goldmine, where there was more than 300 people working. She was experiencing sexual harassment at workplace by where supervisor [women were capable of performing low-level- tasks]. She reported this to HR but she received threats. Later Hanna got compensation and brought lasting changes to the mine that will expand opportunities for women and improve working conditions for everyone. Sex based discrimination remains common in many traditionally male dominated companies or industries and occupations, and the risk of reporting it can be severe.

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